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Complete version history |
Version 7.0 March 18, 2024
- Significantly improved navigation speed thanks to added caching of the records
- Speeded up the "Hide inaccessible folders and records" option
- New connection windows with ability to view the password
- Added restoring of search criteria after re-opening the Search window
- You can see Created, Edited or Expires for the last days or hours in the Search window
- You can also search the erased records and try to recover them if possible
- Added additional information for attached files: Creation date and Size
- Added opening of attached files for the Linux client
- Added support for non-english characters for attached files and for export/import
- Added the ability to add more than 10 additional fields
- Fixed minimizing to the system tray
- Fixed many small issues, improved logs
Version 6.7 July 10, 2023
- Added a Search button to the toolbar
- Added Recovered folder for recovered records and folders
- Added a compact folder view mode and the ability to hide search and detail view buttons
- Added "Restore" and "Move" menu items to context menu of the main window taskbar icon
- Improved database recovering
- Improved showing version of the Server and NPM Admin in NPM Admin
- Fixed the "Copy Password" command in the Search window
- Fixed translating issues
- Fixed NPM Admin disconnecting when Server was stopped
- Fixed support of multiple monitors
Version 6.6 January 11, 2023
- Added a brand new password generator
- Added generation of PIN codes
- Added detection of password strength, entropy and cracking time
- Added password strength indicator for the passwords
- Added search for weak passwords
- Added ability to disable hotkeys
- Added hints to the several controls
- Added ability to restore prevous record at startup
- Improved hotkeys interface to prepare Linux support
- Fixed editing of the additional fields
- Fixed opening share and ssh connection
Version 6.5 November 10, 2022
- First release of the Linux Client version! Tested under Ubuntu 18/20, CentOS 9.
Please feel free to send us your experience with the NPM client on other Linux distributions.
- Added search of the records and folders with attached files and by Expires field
- Added saving of size for the several windows (copy, search, expired passwords, etc.)
- Now moving records and folders available for users with "Delete" access,
previously this was available with "Owner" access only
- Improved Hot Key's, now is it possible to use Shift in the Hot Key combination
- Many internal changes to support Linux
Version 6.4 October 24, 2022
- Added ability to change Security Admin settings for the root folder owners
(should be enabled in Options.ini, AllowEditSecurityAdmin parameter)
- Added buttons to open Url, SSH link, Program and Folder
They are added to support Linux platform (soon) and some Windows systems
- Added Duplicate command for the records
This command was introduced in version 6.3 but wasn't declared
- Added Czech language
- Added more informative connection error messages
- Added Disconnect toolbar button when client is connected
- Some small improvements for the Star button near record name
- Now for newly copied records, the creation time and creator are changed to the actual values
- Fixed work with long comments (adding, editing, copying)
- Fixed problem with incorrect date/time for the newly created and edited records
- Fixed deleting the root folder
- Fixed clearing the Edited flag for the records
- Fixed shortcuts for some systems
- Fixed disconnecting for NPM Admin
- Fixed Audit events saving
- Installer is improved to restore new Options.ini parameters after updating
- Many changes to support Linux platform (soon)
Version 6.3.2 March 31, 2022
- Fixed record editing which have custom security settings
- Changed default installer options for installation client and server parts
- Fixed moving folders to prevent moving into it self
- Improved database restoring
Version 6.3.1 March 28, 2022
- Added deletion/restoring multiple records at once when multiple selection is enabled
Note: you can't delete edited records and erase records with multiple selection!
- Fixed copying/moving inaccessible records when multiple selection is enabled
- Fixed moving folders
Version 6.3 March 23, 2022
- Added ability to change icons for records and folders
- Added Detail view mode, also with this mode is available multi-selection of the records for copying/moving
- Added creator info to the Created field
- Changes for deleted records and records deletion:
- Added record deletion info to the history
- Deleted records can be automatically erased after 60 days (DaysToErase parameter in Options.ini)
- You can erase the deleted records (should be enabled in Options.ini, AllowErase parameter)
- You can't edit deleted records. You should restore them before that
- You can't restore a child record without restoring the parent record
- Improved Export/Import to support icons, fixed some importing issues
- Removed toolbar buttons for settings and help due to its rare usage
- Fixed search (path to the record), removed password field from the search result
- Fixed editing of the already editing records
- Note! Updated database file is not backward compatible!
Backed up file, which was created after installation of the 6.3 version, is compatible
Version 6.2 January 17, 2022
- Added search of the records by the Created and Edited fields
- Added last editor info to the Created field
- Added {LOGIN} and {PASSWORD} for the Url, SSH, Program, Folder fields and for their parameters
- Now you can hide the Edited field for the record
- The Expired field now have the red color if is it expires, also the whole record has a red color
- Now double-clicking on the folder it will be expanded/collapsed, editing available from the context menu
- Added French language
- To simplify typing, added {LOGIN} and {PASSWORD} to the context menu of Url, SSH, Program and Folder fields and to their parameters
- Fixed access to the password using shortcuts if the user is restricted to view passwords
- Improved reconnecting of the NPM Client and Admin
- Fixed record path for the Search window if search started not from the root
- Fixed high CPU usage by the NPM Server
- Updated language files
- Improved installer
Version 6.1 December 6, 2021
- Added new fields for the records: SSH, Program, Folder
Now you can connect to the server via SSH, run the program, and open share with one click
Moreover, you can provide personal login and passwords for each of these fields
You can read more details in the user manual or online here:
- Added logging of the record comment and files to the history
- Added deletion of the sensitive temp files at program startup and closing
- Added history of changes for folders
- Added ShowDeleted parameter to the Options.ini
- Added /ShowDeleted and /DisableDeleted command line parameters for the silent installation
- Increased font of the program, now this is more readable for High DPI monitors
- Now the Edit record window and also the Custom3 field of the main window is sizeable
- Now Export, Import, Search and Check Expiration is unavailable when the client is disconnected
- Improved loading of deleted records and erroneous display of "+" for a folder
- Improved Import and Export to support new record fields
- Updated the user manual
- Fixed hints for several controls and updated language files
- Fixed program settings (password generator, port, minimization to system tray)
- Fixed countdown timer on the Copy button
- Fixed checkbox for attached files preview
Version 6.0 October 20, 2021
- Added the ability to search available records for a selected user.
You can easily change passwords for all records with was available for the fired users
- Now you can get free updates for one year from the registration date.
Please read the License.txt to get more details about changes in licensing
- Added editing of security to the Search window
- Added logging for all records changing to the history
- Added support of Windows 11. Current limitation: login isn't possible with PIN, use password
- Added additional logs to Check database command
- NPM Client now uses big icons by default
- Improved internal logs
- Improved Options.ini saving
Version 5.4.1 January 29, 2021
- Fixed exchanging of New Record and New Folder commands
- Fixed the trial period to 60 days instead of 30 days
- Fixed some messages
Version 5.4 January 18, 2021
- Increased records loading and navigation speed
- Improved group membership checking
- Improved Admin menu
- Added additional database log
- Improved debug mode
- Fixed client port editing
Version 5.3 December 2, 2019
- Added determination of Microsoft Account for the Security window
- Added search for starred records
- Added the "DefaultDomain" option to the Options.ini file
- Added Danish language
- Improved support for screen scaling 125% and 150%
- Improved logs for NPM Admin
- Fixed the search window error
Version 5.2 October 28, 2019
- Added new options to the Options.ini file:
- "OptionsForAll" to provide Options.ini settings for all connected clients
- "ClientComputers" to configure the "white list" of client computers
- "ClientComputersDeny" to configure the "black list" of client computers
- "AdminComputersDeny" to configure the "black list" of admin computers
- "Custom1Hide", "Custom2Hide", "Custom3Hide" to hide custom fields contents
- Improved backup with date and time in filename. See Backup.dat file for details
- Fixed connection for NPM Client
- Fixed access rights expiration for passwords viewing
- Updated Arabic, Dutch, English, German, Norwegian and Russian language files
- Many small internal improvements
Version 5.1.2 March 15, 2019
- Fixed languages loading for NPM Client
Version 5.1.1 December 17, 2018
- Fixed registration for NPM Admin
Version 5.1 October 17, 2018
- Added Norwegian language
- Fixed work with password history and big comments
- Fixed group membership checking for trusted domains
- Fixed free license for 1 user
Version 5.0 April 24, 2017
- New Admin. Now you can see connected clients and admins
- Now it is possible to connect 3 administrators and they are not subject to license restrictions
- 4.x clients can connect to 5.x server
- Added creating backup before database encryption
- Uninstaller is signed to prevent warnings from the antiviruses
- Now for change encryption password you should provide previous password
Version 4.9.3 April 18, 2017
- Fixed deleting of the records and folders
Version 4.9.2 January 9, 2017
- Fixed editing of the records and folders
Version 4.9.1 November 29, 2016
- Fixed disconnecting by timeout
- Fixed copying and restoring of the records
- Fixed group membership checking
- Fixed support of Japanese language
Version 4.9 May 23, 2016
- Improved support of domains which have different dns name and pre-windows 2000 name
- Fixed licensing
- Fixed CSV import
- Fixed Security window opening
- Reduced installer size
Version 4.8 October 27, 2015
- Added automatic check and repair of database during starting of NPM server
- Added support of Windows 10
- Added Arabic translation
- Updated English, Dutch and Russian translations
- Fixed memory leak in NPM Client
- Fixed copying of the records with big comments and attachments
- Fixed disconnecting when searching using network connection
- Fixed group membership checking for domain users
Version 4.7 July 6, 2015
- Now you can provide the encryption password during installation
- Added the ability to search in big comments
- Fixed the security issue in a new context menu of the Search window
- Fixed the Security Admin account issue with changing of access rights
- Fixed selection of the Options during installation
- Fixed installation for Windows 2012 R2
- Fixed rare bugs with editing and deleting records
- Fixed auto connect
Version 4.6 April 20, 2015
- Added new commands to the Search window:
- Context menu with Copy Name, Copy Login and Copy Password commands
- "Go to record..." command. Selected record will be shown in the main NPM window
- Added Copy Name, Copy Password, Copy Login, Copy Url commands to the Edit record window
- Added creation of System Restore Points before uninstall
- Improved support of /DisableSaveLogin, /HideInaccessible, /DisableInaccessible, /DisableTimer
- New file names for audit and logs: 'YYYY-MM-DD '
- Fixed service for support Windows 2012 R2
- Fixed /backup parameter for npmsvc.exe
- Fixed Audit file format
- Improved License Agreement allowing unlimited clients installation.
- Updated Help file.
Version 4.5 March 30, 2015
- Added new access rights: Security, Delete, Passwords:
- Security: user can edit security settings of record, add new users,
but can't delete and reduce rights for owners and can't add rights that exceeding own rights
- Delete: user can delete records and folders
- Passwords: without this right user can view all content of record except passwords
- Added new parameters Computer, DefaultComputer and DisableSaveLoginInfo to the Options.ini file.
- Added import from Password Safe text file.
- Added /export parameter for auto export from NPM Client. Now you can export data using batch file.
- Added several new parameters for the silent installation:
/DisableSaveLogin: disable saving of login info for Connect window
/HideInaccessible: hide inaccessible records and folders, user can change this
/DisableInaccessible: hide inaccessible records and folders, user can't change this
/DisableTimer: disable countdown timer for clipboard clearing and time of showing for the passwords
/UseOptions: you can copy your Options.ini next to the file setup.exe and settings from this file will be applied to clients
- Increased speed of data loading for big databases.
- Improved import and export for better support new access rights.
- Fixed the Tab field separator processing for import.
- Fixed CSV import.
- New licensing. Please contact us to get new licenses.
Version 4.4 October 29, 2014
- Added Export and Import security settings and attached files.
- Added preview of the imported data to be sure that selected parsing options is correct.
- Added ability to change fields order for Export, moreover you can exclude selected fields.
- Added many new options for the Export and Import.
- Improved support of different CSV files for Import.
- Fixed folder creation.
- Fixed password history for new records.
- Fixed some small issues.
- Added new parameters and descriptions to the Options.ini file.
- Updates help file. Added description for server upgrade and database moving.
- Improved search. Now you can search in any selected folder.
Version 4.3.2 September 22, 2014
- Improved speed of first connection to the server.
- Improved speed of loading for large database.
- Fixed password history.
- Fixed moving of records and folders.
- Fixed incremental search in CopyTo.../MoveTo... window.
- Fixed data export.
- Added Danish and Norwegian languages.
Version 4.3.1 February 3, 2014
- Increased speed of group membership checking for domain groups.
- Fixed deletion of folders.
- Now you can change time of showing for the password and clipboard clearing in the Options.ini file.
- Improved double click on the folders.
Version 4.3 December 10, 2013
- Added the Star feature for records and folders.
- Now it is possible to convert record to folder and this record can have child items.
Another useful usage scenario of this feature to hide your data:
- Convert record to folder;
- Create records and folders;
- Convert this folder to record.
- Now you can disable countdown timer for clipboard clearing during installation.
- Click on the Copy buttons with Ctrl key will disable the countdown timer.
- Improved group membership checking for domain local groups.
- Improved security for Security Admin user.
Now view and change the name and password for Security Admin it is possible only using this account.
- Improved incremental search in folders panel. Now search begins from selected folder.
- Fixed focus changing from folders panel to the records panel.
Version 4.2.1 November 15, 2013
- Improved "Security Settings" window for remote connection.
Now you can view Domain and Login for users even if your computer is not member of this domain.
- Installer: Now you can hide option "Save Login info" for the "Connect" window.
- Fixed pasting login/password for Internet Explorer and for some other programs.
- Added ability to change hotkeys.
- Added "Cancel" command for the context menu, which you can invoke using Ctrl+Alt+M.
- Redesigned the Options window.
- Fixed group membership checking.
Version 4.2 October 16, 2013
- Added support of Well Known security groups (Everyone, Authenticated Users, etc...).
- Added support of trusted domains.
- Improved support of nested groups.
- Increased speed of cheching membership in groups up to 3 times.
- Clipboard will be cleared during 15 secs after pressing the Copy button.
- Now the password will be shown 15 secs after pressing the Show Password button.
- Click on the Show Password button with Ctrl key pressed - password will never be hidden.
- Added timer countdown for the Show Password and Copy buttons.
- Now you can change location of the database.
- Added Estonian translation.
- Improved CSV export/import.
- Installer: Now you can enable/hide option "Hide inacessible records and folders".
Using this feature you can use one NPM server for several departments and
every department will never know about data from another department.
- Fixed support of Windows Server 2008/2012.
Version 4.1 June 17, 2013
- Added viewing of deleted records.
- Added incremental search (search as you type) for folders and records panels.
- Added new license: Unlimited users
- Added Dutch translation.
- Improved CSV export/import.
- Reduced cost of some licenses.
- Improved the speed of connection.
- Fixed the editing of security.
- Fixed editing of big comments.
- Now you can select free license for one user during installation.
Version 4.0 April 8, 2013
Main features:
- Improved interface with folders tree. First Start video
- Added Description, Expiration and File Attachments for folders.
- Added free license for one user. Please read release notes for details.
- Added new user: Security Administrator. Please read release notes for details. SecurityAdmin video
- Added new access rights: Private, Create and Navigation.
- Added expiration for the access rigths. Please read release notes for details. Access Rights Expiration video
- Improved command "Show password": password will be shown limited time.
- Added Portuguese Brazilian, Chinese and Japanese languages.
- Now it is possible to rename the Custom fields. See Options.ini file for details.
- Added support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
- Improved audit for deletion of the records.
- Maximized state of the windows will be restored after restarting.
- NPM Admin will run with administrator rights under Windows 7/8.
- Now for domain computers will be selected default domain when you add new users or groups.
- Improved support for trusted domains.
- Added manual backup functionality. See "Backup.bat" file in installation folder.
- During installation Password Manager is added to the firewall exceptions list.
- Updated help file.
Version 4.0 beta 2 April 1, 2013
- Added free license for one user. Please read release notes for details.
- Added Chinese language.
- Now it is possible to rename the Custom fields. See Options.ini file for details.
- Fixed manual backup with "Backup.bat" file.
- NPM Admin will run with administrator rights under Windows 7/8.
- Maximized state of the windows will be restored after restarting.
- Improved audit for deletion of the records.
- Fixed SecurityAdmin settings.
- Fixed support for private records.
- Fixed language determination for Portuguese Brazilian and Japanese.
Version 4.0 beta March 19, 2013
- Improved interface with folders tree. First Start video
- Added Description and Expiration fields for folders.
- Now you can attach files to folders.
- During installation Password Manager is added to the firewall exceptions list.
- Improved command "Show password" : password will be shown limited time.
- Added new user: Security Administrator. Please read release notes for details. SecurityAdmin video
- Added new access rights: Private, Create and Navigation.
- Added expiration for the access rigths. Please read release notes for details. Access Rights Expiration video
- Now for domain computers will be selected default domain when you add new users or groups.
- Improved support for trusted domains.
- Added manual backup functionality. See "Backup.bat" file in installation folder.
- Added new freeware license for 3 users with local connection only.
- Added support for Windows 8, Windows Server 2012.
- Added Portuguese Brazilian and Japanese languages.
Version 3.4.1 January 16, 2013
- Improved silent uninstall.
- Improved multilingual support.
- Fixed importing database.
- Fixed hotkeys.
Version 3.4 January 05, 2013
- Added new version checking.
- Added Greek language.
- Added installation for current user.
- Improved AdminComputers restriction.
- Improved silent installation (read details on the User Manual).
- New links and copyright information.
- Updated Help file.
- Some small improvements.
Version 3.3 January, 2012
- Added search for folders.
- Added search for custom fields.
- Fixed several minor bugs.
Version 3.2 November, 2010
- Support of Windows 7.
- Installation: added AutoBackup function.
- Fixed bug: encryption of traffic for some computers.
- Many small improvements.
Version 3.1 November, 2009
- Audit: added new events (connect/disconnect, read).
- Fixed bug: incorrect limitation of password history.
- Fixed bug: using custom port settings.
- Many small improvements.
Version 3.0 July, 2009
- Added encryption of traffic.
- Ability to hide inaccessible folders and records.
- Support of Windows 2008.
- User interface: new language - French.
- New option: restore previous folder at startup.
Version 2.7 February, 2009
- "Connect" dialog: new authorization system.
- New useful report file: logins.log.
- Main window: visual improvements.
Version 2.6 October, 2008
- Ability to export/import custom fields.
- Ability to find current editor of locked record.
- Many small improvements.
Version 2.5.5 May, 2008
- Improved copy/move/delete functions.
- Fixed reconnect bug.
- Many small improvements.
Version 2.5 February, 2008
- Password history for records.
- Improved 'Open attached file' function.
- Import of CSV file: fixed bug.
- Many small improvements.
Version 2.4 September, 2007
- Ability to run attached files.
- Improved help system.
- Fixed several minor bugs.
Version 2.3.5 December, 2006
- User interface: new language - Spanish.
- "Add/Edit record" dialog: new button "show/hide password".
- "Connect" dialog: improved loading speed.
- Many small improvements.
- Fixed several minor bugs.
Version 2.3 November, 2006
- User interface: new languages - German, Italian and Russian.
- Ability to restrict access to the NPM Admin tool (see options.ini file).
- Support of Microsoft Windows Vista.
- Many small improvements.
Version 2.2 August, 2006
- AutoLogon option.
- AutoExport function: npmclient.exe /export.
- Improved Audit function.
- Many small improvements.
Version 2.1 May, 2006
- New option "Check for expired passwords at startup".
- Security groups management: improved speed.
- "Connect" dialog: ability to edit "Domain" field.
- Improved search function.
- Many small improvements.
Version 2.0 February, 2006
- Support of security groups.
- Support of native 'Select users or groups' dialog.
- New function: search for records.
- Improved help system and installer.
- Many small improvements.
Version 1.5 August, 2005
- Security dialog: ability to add users manually.
- Ability to find expired passwords.
- Many small improvements.
Version 1.4.5 July, 2005
- Dialogs: improved and optimized tables.
- Fixed bug: login problem with some computers.
Version 1.4 May, 2005
- Ability to import folders and subfolders.
- Ability to change the password database location.
- New installer with 'silent install' option (setup.exe /S).
- Many small improvements.
Version 1.3 March, 2005
- Import of data from spreadsheet files (MS Excel etc.).
- New administrative options: Audit and Export Restriction.
- Ability to rename custom fields.
- Many small improvements.
Version 1.2.5 December, 2004
- Ability to show/hide passwords.
- Ability to remove password from Clipboard.
- Fixed several minor bugs.
Version 1.2 November, 2004
- Export of data to spreadsheet files (MS Excel etc.)
- Improved User Access Control functions.
- Fixed bugs.
Version 1.1 October, 2004
- Improved User Management functions.
- Auto-backup every 24 hours.
- Full support of Windows XP themes.
- Many small improvements.
Version: 7.0
| Date: March 18, 2024
| OS: (32 and 64 bit)
Windows 7/8/10/11
Windows Server 2016/2019/2022
Ubuntu 18/20
CentOS 8/9
| HDD: 18 MB
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Version History
Supported Languages:
English, Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Norwegian, Russian
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